Access Welcomes Mike Moyer

Mike Moyer has joined Access TCA as senior director of client services. During his 25+ year career, Mike has worked in almost every facet of the exhibit industry. He started working for a registration company and transitioned to show management, honing in on the healthcare convention industry. His focus became even more healthcare-specific during the next nine years when he worked primarily on executing exhibit programs for pharma and medical equipment companies. He joined the Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors Association (HCEA) approximately ten years ago and continues working with other association members to create healthcare-specific educational content.

“We’re thrilled to have Mike join our team,” said Access TCA president Amy Sondrup. “We continue to grow our roster of outstanding professionals in the healthcare markets, and adding someone with Mike’s breadth of experience to our already incredible team gives companies in that segment a powerful reason to work with us.”

Mike is originally from Medford, MA but moved to Chicago 9 years ago. He remains loyal to Boston sports teams and coaches his son’s baseball team. He holds a BA from Suffolk University and an MA from Ann Maria College.

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