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AIBTM lines up events and activities for June show in Chicago


Offering attendees enrichment events and activities to complement scheduled educational opportunities at McCormick Place from June 11-13 in Chicago is the Americas Incentive, Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition (AIBTM), a leading global exhibition for the U.S. meetings and events industry.

“Attendees will receive critical information from knowledgeable industry leaders during Education Day…” said Michael Lyons, exhibition director, AIBTM.

Education Day offers 30 hours of CEU-accredited education, including sessions from major industry associations. All sessions are designed to support meetings industry professionals in defining the future of meetings.

“…network with colleagues to build their social circles and working relationships and enhance their ability to plan effective and compelling meetings,” continued Lyons.

Bringing back the Market Focus on Europe networking session due to its popularity, AIBTM is also launching two Market Focus events on Asia and Latin America. These networking sessions are aimed at attendees interested in expanding their reach into these geographic regions.

The Future Events Experience brought by The Meeting Pool showcases the latest technology for the meetings and events industry as well as an influx of new initiatives and networking events.

AIBTM worked in tandem with Choose Chicago to showcase the best Chicago has to offer during the three-day show. As a show sendoff, exhibitors will be raffling off gift cards, trips, gadgets and more as part of the AIBTM Big Draw.

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