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AIPC Online Masterclass on Crisis Management March 1

AIPC Masterclass | Convention Center Reopening Crisis Management

Prepare for a smooth, successful venue reopening of your center. Register here for the interactive crisis management masterclass.

For many facilities and their management, challenges around changing reopening requirements, national vaccination programs, mutations of the COVID virus, stakeholder concerns, and media attention combine to give cause for concern around the time period in which reopening “towards full regular operations” will take place. While the when and length and many of the particular risks around this time-frame will differ for each convention center, there are also likely to be many common challenges.

This three-part, 2.5-hour online workshop, exclusive to AIPC members, costs 250€ per participants. The workshop will be given by Glenn Schoen of Boardroom@Crisis BV, a specialist in crisis management processes, and Frank Peters of Virtus Communications, a specialist in crisis communications on March 1 at 1.30 p.m. CET.

The online workshop will focus on preparing your venue for a successful reopening period. It will consist of three elements:

1. A knowledge-transfer component bringing lessons learned, latest insights, and basics on what to prepare for, including in the area of crisis communications;
2. An interactive crisis mini-game to run your crisis team (or separate individuals) through a number of risk-based assignments under increasing pressure; and
3. A debriefing session to help you capture mini-game learnings, capped off with a Top 10 “To Do” list.

The workshop requires no special preparation other than priming your own team for action during the mini-game, and should bring you the following gains:
• Insight into likely key reopening period risks;
• Trying and testing your own plans and crisis team;
• Learning the latest crisis communications trends and insights;
• Insight on pathways toward resolving particular risks; and
• Having an energizing team-building experience

Glenn Schoen (pictured right) is a seasoned expert in crisis management processes. He consulted a number of governments and was very recently interviewed by CNN.

The International Association of Convention Centres, AIPC is the industry association for professional convention and exhibition center managers worldwide. AIPC is committed to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention center management, while at the same time providing the tools to achieve such high standards through its research, educational and networking program. For more info, visit To register for the online workshop, register here.








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