Association for Women in Events Announces Hall of Fame Recognition Program

Women in Events Hall of Fame logoThe Association for Women in Events, a not for profit organization supporting gender equality and diversity in the event industry, has announced its Hall of Fame Recognition Program, hosted by the AWE Awards Committee. The AWE Awards Committee was formed with a vision to create an engaged group of recognized people and programs that exemplify AWE values to serve as an ongoing resource for inspiration, guidance and leadership.

The AWE Hall of Fame will recognize the advancement of women in events by honoring women and men with a categorical award. Categories for nominations are: Disruptor, Coach, Woman of Influence, Emerging Leader and Organizational Leadership. Nominations opened March 15, 2017 and close May 5, 2017. To nominate a deserving individual (self-nominations are also accepted), a simple online form will be completed. Members and non-members, women and men in the events, hospitality and tourism industry are eligible. The judging panel will be made up of 2017 AWE board members who will select finalists for a secondary interview. The winners will be announced in July of 2017. Winners of each respective category will receive the following recognition and opportunities:

  • Lifetime membership of AWE
  • Award trophy
  • Special profile on AWE website
  • Panelists and presenters at industry events and AWE events
  • Interviews, articles, blog posts and more
  • Contributions to library of tools
  • Judges for awards
  • Advisors for programs
  • A certificate and email plate
  • Exclusive case study input

“Being inducted into the Hall of Fame is a lifetime honor,” said Marie-Claire Andrews, AWE board member and chair of the AWE Awards Committee. “It doesn’t begin and end with a one-night ceremony, rather our winners will be part of our community and celebrated long-term!”

AWE is an inclusive community dedicated to the professional advancement of women in all facets of the events industry. The focus of AWE is to build a strong community where women inspire women, help others and take control of their careers. AWE facilitates the resources and connections to identify professional solutions, mentors and opportunities for women.

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