• Superior Logistics

Jeanne Brei

Random thoughts on aging

The other night I saw an ad on TV sponsored by the AARP.  In the ad, several folks in their 50s to 60s were talking

Hurry up and wait

“The whole world is watching” was the chant that arose from demonstrators at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. Chicago was the focal

Exhibit City News: NAB Photo Poll

What are your favorite Las Vegas restaurants and why?Held at the Las Vegas Convention Center on April 10-15, NAB is one of the top-five tradeshows

Tradeshow Week ceases publication

After months of speculation as to its fate, Tradeshow Week magazine closed its doors April 16. Tradeshow Week was one of about 25 publications shuttered

NAB 2010 holding its own

  More than 85,000 audio, video and film content professionals from 156 countries are expected to attend the event. Organizers of the 2010 National Association

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