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Baltimore, Anaheim and San Antonio are next to host IAEE’s Expo! Expo!

A unique tri-city partnership will headline the International Association of Exhibitions and Exhibitors’ (IAEE) Expo! Expo! beginning in 2015.

Announced during the annual conference’s networking luncheon and awards presentation, the cities of Baltimore, Anaheim and San Antonio respectively will be the future host cities of the association’s annual conference and exhibition.

Show dates will be Dec. 1-3, 2015, at the Baltimore Convention Center; Dec. 6-8, 2016, at the Anaheim Convention Center; and Nov. 28-30, 2017, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio.

The partnership provides what show organizers call a “seamless, multi-year experience for attendees.”

According to IAEE, their selection process begins three to four years prior to an event with CVBs submitting proposals. A criteria awarding of points takes place and then each proposal is reviewed by the IAEE board of directors.

Expo! Expo! gives exhibition executives an opportunity to connect with other industry professionals in an effort to maximize profit and produce more successful events. The 2013 show took place in Houston and the 2014 edition will be in Los Angeles.

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