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Blue Telescope awarded interactive project contract for Ellis Island

Blue Telescope, the interactive exhibit agency, has been commissioned to create two interactive projects which will educate and entertain visitors on Ellis Island in New York harbor.


Immigrants arriving with baggage on Ellis Island, circa 1898.
Photo courtesy of the National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument

Hired by Evelyn Hill Inc. and working with the cooperation of the National Park Service, Blue Telescope is developing the programs for use with the Microsoft Surface multi-touch technology to provide engaging ways for visitors of all ages to explore the history of Ellis Island and to celebrate the ongoing story of immigration to the United States.

“Welcome to Ellis Island” will allow users to put themselves in the shoes of an immigrant making their way through processing at Ellis Island. Guests will learn about the different steps an immigrant might encounter as they become a citizen of the United States.

At each step, a mini-game or interactive opportunity will present a “you are there” experience.

For example, players must try to decode the chalk-mark codes used by doctors during their infamous six-second medical examinations, complete a puzzle used to determine mental wellness and answer a question posed by inspectors in the Main Hall. Guests are advised to pay close attention as incorrect responses may lead to deportation.

Visitors will also have an opportunity to learn about the journey their own ancestors may have undertaken to become a part of the fabric of America.

The second project will explore immigration to the United States in a larger context by allowing visitors to select between 30 nations to learn about specific ethnic groups’ contributions to the melting pot of America.

Historical photos and immigration statistics will mingle with interesting factoids to paint a broader picture of traditions, vocabulary, and culinary delights that may have originated in faraway lands but have been embraced and welcomed as part of American culture.

For more information about Blue Telescope’s custom-designed interactive services, visit

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