South Africa’s Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) was selected as the winner of UFI’s 2013 Sustainable Development competition for “best reporting on sustainability.” La Rural, Predio Ferial Buenos Aires, Argentina, also was an award finalist.
“Reporting on sustainability is increasingly important, and UFI is happy to promote

these two examples of best practice selected by our jury,” said Paul Woodward, managing director, UFI. “Both have demonstrated full and transparent details of their economic, environmental and social activities and their reports are first class.”
UFI organizes annual award competitions in the fields of education, ICT, marketing, operations and sustainable development with the goal of recognizing and promoting excellence in the exhibition industry. Officials for the CTICC emphasize sustainability as a critical component of its everday operations.
“As an exhibition and convention center committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and whose business principles are built on the core tenets of sustainability, winning this prestigious global award is a great accolade and honor for CTICC,” Rashid Toefy, CEO, CTICC. “The center is continually setting the benchmark in terms of international standards of best practice and is the only exhibition and convention center in the world that has aligned its reporting processes to the comprehensive Global Reporting Initiative framework for two years in a row. A strategic imperative for the center going forward will be to up the ante in terms of effecting change within the meetings and exhibition industry.”
The jury’s selection recognizes CTICC’s clear and comprehensive sustainability reporting, which reached Global Reporting Initiative level B approval.
UFI is an association of the world’s leading tradeshow organizers and exhibition center operators as well as the major national and international exhibition associations and selected partners of the exhibition industry. UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support the business interests of its members and the exhibition industry. UFI represents more than 600 member organizations in 85 countries around the world.
Almost 900 international tradeshows bear the UFI-approved label. UFI members continue to provide the international business community with a unique marketing media aimed at developing outstanding face-to-face business opportunities.