• Superior Logistics

As the Saw Turns

Who needs a rest?

It’s early January, a Sunday evening, and I’m sitting in a hotel room writing this column, wishing I was somewhere else.

Why is it we do this?

When you describe it to almost any sane human beings, they think you are out of your mind.

A million miles of memories

I blame it on my dad. When I was young, I remember going downstairs into our basement rec room, where my dad had wallpapered one

Beers for a cause

It’s autumn, and we’re in the thick of another very busy tradeshow season.

When the stars align

We have talked in this column over the years about the RFP process in our industry.

Fly Tradeshow Airways

What if the tradeshow industry were run like airlines? Several months ago I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “If the World

Impressions from a rodeo

WARNING: This column will probably offend a few of you. It certainly won’t be considered politically correct by some. But because this is being written

Why Gen Y?

  One of my sales guys forwarded me an article the other day that caught my interest. I have written about generational differences several times

Breakfast table musings

I am sitting at a breakfast table in a restaurant in the Mandalay Bay hotel. It’s very early in the morning on the second day

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