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As_The_Saws_Turn Jim Obermeyer

When Things Get Tough

by Jim Obermeyer I recently returned from the EDPA ACCESS Conference, held in San Antonio, Texas. Down from a typical attendance of near 300, this

Wormsley Plantation

D.E.A.L.: Savannah Attractions

D.E.A.L. (Dining, Entertainment, Attractions & Lodging) Savannah is Steeped in History & Filled with Insta-Worthy Moments If ever there was a city calling out to

Bob.McGlincy Tradeshow Times

The Rise and Fall of COMDEX 1979-2006

Sheldon Adelson passed away last week on January 11 at 87. Some may know him for his philanthropy, his politics or his rags-to-riches story. His


AIPC: Here’s to a New & Bright Future

by Sven Bossu, CEO AIPC On Nov. 30, a Flemish news anchor—Martine Tanghe—retired after presenting the seven o’clock news for 42 years on the public


Face Value: Live vs. Digital Marketing

by Larry Kulchawik, IFES past president Since face-to-face marketing in all forms has been put on hold, virtual alternatives have been given more attention than

edpa chapters association news

EDPA ACCESS & Chapter News Roundup

by H. K. Wilson The pandemic may have slowed business in 2020, but it certainly has not quashed the momentum of EDPA and its members.

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