
I&D: The New Conversation

Editor’s Note: This teaser article is part of Who’s on Your Crew, a three-part special publication from Exhibit City News. Part three of this publication

Creating a sustainable tradeshow lifecycle

Throughout the last decade, major emphasis has been put on saving the environment and creating sustainable practices. Recycling options are everywhere: Grocery stores are recycling

Snapshots of Northwest Convention Centers

For exhibitors and organizers looking to take their work outside of the usual places, several destinations in the Northwest United States have state-of-the-art convention centers.

Nimlok passes two ISO Recertifications

Nimlok, a provider of custom modular and portable tradeshow exhibits, has announced that it has passed its quality management system recertification audit to ISO 9001:2008

Lessons learned

During our journey through the exposition industry, we each have met a person or two who influenced our careers by sharing a lesson from their

Even neon is green

The Las Vegas Strip is reputed to be the brightest spot on Earth when viewed from hundreds of miles above in outer space. Clearly, it

Exhibit City News