September 21, 2024 5:54 AM
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  • Superior Logistics


Greetings to readers everywhere!

People, People, EVERYWHERE! If there is a central theme to this month’s print edition, it’s people. People are on the move as our industry continues

In competition, creativity wins

Selling our clients to try new and different ways to market their products is often a difficult process, yet new ideas continue to evolve. It

Industry peeps connect using LinkedIn

One of the hottest social media platforms today, LinkedIn hosts a variety of tradeshow/exhibit industry related groups that offer some interesting, informative, educational and sometimes,

The new client/supplier relationship

Here is an interesting side effect of the Great Recession – we have started evaluating our suppliers by how they have handled collections with us.

Greetings to readers everywhere!

Our February print edition is as packed as ever with information critical to all industry professionals. The year, now into the second month, has not

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