• Superior Logistics

North America


Events Group Signs Code on Human Trafficking

Soundings Connect, an innovative network of freelance meetings and events talent, announced its partnership with ECPAT-USA, a trailblazing organization committed to raising awareness, advocating for


Ooh, That Smell: Marijuana Show in Las Vegas

Imagine a bus filled with the most advanced retail technology for cannabis dispensaries, from smart menus to touchscreens to interactive kiosks. Enlighten, a Nashville, Tenn.-based


Superior Logistics Moves to New Headquarters

Superior Logistics, tradeshow and event transportation specialists, recently relocated from Itasca, Ill., to Bartlett, Ill. According to Joe Martillaro (pictured right), managing director, “The new


Orbus Expands Las Vegas Facility Operations

Orbus Exhibit & Display Group, one of North America’s leading wholesale suppliers and manufacturers of display, exhibit, graphic and event solutions, has expanded its operation

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