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Changes on the horizon for PCMA Convene magazine

PCMA ConvenePCMA Convene, the magazine of the Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA), announced several new developments on tap in 2012 that will enhance and expand the content and design of this award-winning publication.

PCMA has signed a contract with New York City–based Point Five Design for the design and layout of PCMA Convene magazine. A full-service graphic-design studio, Point Five has built an extensive portfolio of clients for print and online projects, including Columbia Journalism Review, The Paris Review, Lapham’s Quarterly, and Listen magazine. Point Five’s work with Convene will begin with the May 2012 issue of the magazine, which also will debut a complete redesign, Convene’s first in more than four years. The redesign will introduce a more accessible look and feel, designed to complement the information-consuming habits of 21st-century readers.

Convene’s new emphasis on bold, web-informed design comes on the heels of the recent launch of its iPad app. Available free in Apple’s App Store, the Convene app is a tool that delivers a page-for-page version of the magazine’s content. And within the next few months, Convene will introduce an app for Android tablets.

Also this year, Convene for the first time will publish a full-blown August issue, with the directory mailing alongside it as a separate piece.

These announcements demonstrate PCMA’s and Convene’s continued media investment following a successful 2011. Convene was honored with awards for editorial and design excellence from Association Media and Publishing 2011 EXCEL Awards competition and the Trade, Association and Business Publications International (TABPI) 2011 Tabbie Awards.

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