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CSPI launches recognition program

cspi-seal-logoConvention Sales Professionals International (CSPI) announces the launch of their Seal of Approval recognition program designed to place a measurable emphasis on the implementation of best practices by convention centers and destination marketing organizations (DMOs).

The CSPI Seal of Approval program recognizes destinations promoting collaboration between their convention centers and DMOs. Through an extensive application and review process, candidates are measured on how successful they are in the integration of their sales and services operations to create a seamless experience for the customer.

“The Seal of Approval was created to honor and celebrate the destinations whose partnerships and commitment to best practices have led to a seamless customer experience,” said Cathy Keller, president, CSPI. “CSPI members now have a very valuable benchmarking tool that can lead to further client confidence and a validation of their expertise.”

In keeping with the association’s focus on collaboration, the application process requires respective DMOs and convention centers to apply jointly. If approved, the resulting Seal of Approval award is given to the destination for use by both member organizations. Portland, Ore., and Spokane, Wash., already have begun the process of applying and are on the path to becoming the first member destinations to achieve the designation.

Members who apply are asked to submit proof of excellence in four key areas, which are color-coded in correspondence to the CSPI logo.

The blue assessment asks members to explain how they have excelled in the areas of convention sales and operations. The green assessment focuses on joint accountability, joint advocacy and funds and finance. The gold assessment measures proficiency in technology and training and deployment. The red assessment allows members to explain how they have excelled in the areas of conflict resolution and if they hold any other certifications or accreditations.

The program is open to members only. Completed applications will be evaluated by the CSPI review committee and approved by the board of directors. Final Seal of Approval recipients will be recognized each year at the CSPI annual conference.

Since its inception in 1991, CSPI exists exclusively to grow and unite members’ individual and collective capabilities to enhance their convention bookings and advance their professional knowledge. Its mission is to enhance the collaboration and partnership between sales professionals of convention centers and destination marketing organizations by delivering education, developing best practices and tracking industry trends worldwide.

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