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CTICC achieves AIPC Gold Quality Standards Accreditation


A first for a convention center in Africa, Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) achieved the AIPC Gold Quality Standards Accreditation at the 2013 AIPC Annual Conference and 55th General Assembly, held June 30-July 3.

ecn_072013_int_cticc_exterior_copyAs an industry association for professional convention and exhibition center managers worldwide, the International Association of Congress Centres’ (AIPC) accreditation recognizes the highest standards in facility management and operations, and it ensures convention center management are truly operating world-class facilities.

After successfully completing an audit by an independent third party, CTICC became the 22nd convention center out of AIPC’s more than 170-member international convention centers to achieve this accolade.

“CTICC celebrates its 10th successful year of operations, and gaining this certification bears further testament to the world-class facilities and services of the center,” said Rashid Toefy, CEO, CTICC. “Completing the audit process not only allowed the center to document its procedures but also enabled CTICC to identify any shortcomings and take corrective actions to address these.”

Addressing 10 areas of CTICC, the audit focused on customer service; quality of facilities and operations; employee relations; health; safety, security and emergency response; financial integrity; community relations; environmental responsibility; industry relations and supplier relations.


Geoff Donaghy and Rashid Toefy

“The AIPC Quality Standards program was developed as an industry-specific certification for confirming and documenting a center’s accomplishments in key areas of performance, and it is the only specifically purposed form of certification in the industry,” said Geoff Donaghy, newly elected president, AIPC. “The CTICC is to be congratulated on having achieved the gold level in its audit as this demonstrates to owners, colleagues and clients that it is addressing international standards of performance in its management procedures.”

CTICC also boasts a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) accredited kitchen and has had its work processes certified to the internationally recognized systems standards – ISO 9001 (Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety).

Superior Logistics

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