EACA Expands Board for 2021

(Pictured L-R, top row: April Hurley, The Expo Group; Bruce Green, Coastal International; Chris Casconi, Willwork; and Matthew Little, Nuvista; bottom row: Les Bunge, Laser; Durl Jensen, CDI USA; Jason Eisenhut, Employco USA; and Noelle Webster, Willwork)

By-laws updated to reflect association growth

At its December 2020 board meeting the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Association held its annual elections for four director positions for terms that had expired and updated its by-laws to expand its Board of Directors for an additional four new EAC director positions.

April Hurley of The Expo Group was re-elected for a new term with the Board and Bruce Green, Coastal International; Chris Casconi, Willwork; and Matthew Little, Nuvista were elected to the three EAC director vacancies.   Elections for the four new EAC director positions resulted in the addition of Les Bunge, Laser; Durl Jensen, CDI USA; Jason Eisenhut, Employco USA; and Noelle Webster, Willwork.

The Exhibit Appointed Contractor Association represents and supports the interests of EACs and all other organizations that provide exhibit services. The association is currently comprised of more than 200 member companies representing more than 12,500 full-time tradeshow professionals, and more than 50,000 part-time tradeshow workers. The EACA Board is comprised of 12 EAC directors, Executive Director Jim Wurm and Ex-Officio Director Don Svehla.  It works openly with all other tradeshow industry stakeholders to affect positive change including HCEA, CEMA, EDPA, IAEE, SISO, ESCA, and IAVM and our union brethren. For more info, visit www.eaca.com



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