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Greetings to readers everywhere!


Well…the long anticipated history project that encompasses headlines and happenings from the past 20 years has been printed…and is on the street! Coming in at 200+ pages of full gloss, the book is sure to captivate anyone who has spent any time within our industry. CAUTION: It may make many feel old! I’d also like to give credit to the 14 sponsors and combined 73 advertisers/supporters who made the project possible.

Even though the project page count came in close to double what we projected…for every item included…there were a number that could not be included due to time and space constraints. With over 42,000 photos/images in our archive…we wanted to share so many more than we were able. The 25th anniversary edition is already in the planning stages. We plan to revisit all 20 years represented in our 20th book and more.

As our combined industry constantly looks forward…and ever further forward…it is comforting to know that the ECN Team has a healthy preoccupation with preserving our history to be shared with others for years and decades to come.

THANKS AGAIN, as we count our blessings entering a new year, for blessing us with a fascinating industry full of many tremendous people.

Wishing all of you a healthy and prosperous new year!


  • Superior Logistics

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