Exposures ECN staff ribbon cutting
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Editor’s Note

(Pictured above: The ECN staff, L-R: Lisa Abrams, Christy DiGiambattista, Jeanne Brei & Don Svehla, at the LVCC West Hall grand opening in June 2021. Photo by Gary Prochorchik/Exposures Ltd.)

There is nothing permanent except change,” said Greek philosopher Heraclitus and change is coming to Exhibit City News in 2022 as I leave my post as editor-in-chief. After four amazing years, 28 issues, a 25th Anniversary 244-page keepsake book, producing the inaugural ACE Awards, contributing weekly to the Don & Mike Show podcast, creating our weekly e-newsblast, incorporating two website redesigns and navigating the last year’s lockdowns of our industry and our world, it’s definitely been quite a ride.

Exhibit City News has big plans for the future—including having the print issues go quarterly in 2022 and focusing even more on our online magazine and website. We’re also completely renovating our offices and we’re so grateful to all our industry partners who have stepped up and helped us—from all new flooring (thanks Brumark!), furniture (thanks CORT!), workstations (thanks Circle!) painting, lighting and installation (thanks Lighting Display & Supply and Edlen!), lightboxes, computers and installation (thanks Willwork! thanks SEG Warehouse!) and thanks to Exposures for the photography. A special thanks to the designer and project manager of the renovation project: Clemente Guillen (Clementine Design) who brought Don’s desire to have the office be like a tradeshow exhibit/museum—to showcase the industry’s past, present and the future.

This issue’s cover of a unified industry coming together to help others at the Randy is a big part of CSR, sustainability and giving back, which writer H.K. Wilson features beginning on page 26.

In our quest to support the industry through these difficult times, there’s advocacy updates from Rob Cohen, Chris Griffen and Tim Heffernan (p. 50), and a workplace advocacy update from National Tradeshow Alliance’s Laura Palker (p. 48).

Our EXHIBITORLIVE New Products preview story is on p. 30 as we prepare for our industry’s “Super Bowl.” And ECN Digital Editor Emily Olson interviewed IATSE Local 835 members and spouses Ricky and Ana Staley (p. 42).

For our columnists, Jim Obermeyer shares reflections on the Randy, Bob McGlincy dives into history and speaks with 15 industry leaders, Calanit Atia promotes Las Vegas’ upgraded tailgates for the meeting planners, Paco Collazo discusses the pros and cons of live events as a career, and Mike Morrison talks to the experts weekly to keep the industry informed.

ECN sends our deepest condolences to the families of Skyline Exhibit’s B.G. Brekken, Freeman’s Ed Holba, Fern Expo Nashville’s Bill Nicholson, Fern Expo San Antonio’s Marty Usher, Czarnowski Atlanta’s David Trammell, Chicago Heights Carpenters Local 272’s Brad Gardner, New Orleans I&D Specialist Mark Serpas, Boston Teamsters Local 25 Terry Lennon and Carpenters Local 12977 and Tru Service Group’s Hery Delgado (pgs 55-60). Philadelphia is our focus city in honor of IAEE’s Expo Expo conference there in December.

As Jim Obermeyer always says, “See you on the show floor!” Stay healthy and hope to see you at EXHIBITORLIVE!

Jeanne Brei, ECN Senior Editor

This story originally appeared in the Nov./Dec. 2021 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 8. For original layout, visit https://issuu.com/exhibitcitynews/docs/ecn_nov-dec_2021

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