The EDPA Las Vegas chapter spent the morning of St. Patrick’s Day with members and friends over a delicious breakfast at Mandalay Bay during EXHIBITOR 2010. EDPA National president John Rose shared an overview of the EDPA economic survey showing industry trends affecting all our businesses.
EDPA Foundation chairman Dave Walens shared details of the Haiti relief support the EDPAF has helped generate along with news of many additional scholarships being awarded this past year. The Las Vegas chapter board wants to remind you that applications will be accepted through July 1, 2010, and forms can be downloaded at www.edpa.com/foundation/whatwedo.php. To help support this worthy cause, please visit www.edpalv.com to sign up as a sponsor or player at the 8th Annual EDPAF Las Vegas Golf Classic to be held on June 10, 2010. Jack Savage was the lucky winner of the certificate to play in the tournament.
The next EDPA Las Vegas chapter meeting is slated for April 21st at the TWI offices in Las Vegas.
Jack Savage was the lucky winner of the certificate to play in the 8th Annual EDPAF Las Vegas Golf Classic tournament.