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Epsilon Registration releases multi-lingual online registration

Epsilon Registration, provider of meeting registration technology and services, announced the availability of a multi-lingual version of its highly acclaimed EReg TM online registration software. Designed to be used for conferences with international audiences, the software can offer a number of languages and connects to people around the world via the internet.

Epsilon’s EReg TM registration software allows all customer-facing messages and forms to be presented in the language most familiar to the customer. This means that the registration form prompts; instructions and meeting-specific information will be presented in the registrant’s language of choice, while the registration information all goes into a single registration database for easy processing, reporting and badge printing. In addition, the email confirmation message that is sent automatically to each registrant will be in the appropriate language.

The EReg TM software automatically detects the language setting of the registrant’s browser and presents the corresponding language. There are also links on each page that allow the registrant to switch languages with a single click.

“We are excited about the capability to extend the usefulness of our software to conferences with international scope,” said Charles Karow, director of operations, Epsilon Registration, LLC. “This software represents a major step forward for us.”

The multi-lingual online registration software has already been used successfully for a conference held in Washington, DC which was attended by representatives from many nations in South and Central America.

Registration forms and instructions, including information about the conference, were offered in Spanish and English. Since the registrations all went into the same database, all real-time reports were current and accurate at all times.

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