Eric Kincaid Promoted at Choose Chicago

Choose Chicago President and CEO Lynn Osmond announced the promotion of Eric Kincaid to fill a critical leadership role within the Choose Chicago Sales team.

Eric Kincaid has been promoted to Associate Vice President of Sales, effective early January 2023. Eric has worked at Choose Chicago as Senior Director of Convention Sales since 2021 and has over a decade of experience in sales at destination marketing organizations and hotels, most recently as a National Account Director at Destination DC before joining the Choose Chicago team in 2021.

In his new role, Kincaid will be supervising and leading Choose Chicago’s  Mid-Atlantic sales team. Collectively, Dawn, Cahal and Eric will be responsible for leading our sales team by implementing new systems and procedures and coaching the team in the day to day.

Chicago is the one of the best, most authentic global destinations for meetings and events,” said Dustin Arnheim, Senior Vice President of Sales and Services. “We are building a best-in-class destination marketing organization and it starts with our people. That is why I am thrilled to promote Eric and welcome Cahal and Robert to these important leadership positions. They bring with them invaluable experience and expertise that will make certain Chicago continues to be a leading destination now and into the future.”

Since becoming President and CEO of Choose Chicago six months ago, Osmond has prioritized building a robust Sales and Services team to ensure Chicago remains the premier destination for trade shows, conventions and events. Dustin Arnheim was brought on board in July 2022 to lead this important team, and these latest hirings are the next step as Choose Chicago continues to build a strong and successful sales team under Osmond.

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