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EXHIBITOR2010 Coverage Preview


Exhibit City New coverage of Exhibitor2010

Watch for daily updates right here on

• Videos from the Showfloor – News and Interviews

• Exhibitor opens: A report from the show floor

• Photo Poll (3) – Exhibitor 
Day 1: What are the top three things on your agenda to achieve during Exhibitor? (Target: exhibit managers)
Day 2: If you had a magic wand and could change anything in our industry right now, what would you change? (Target: attendees)
Day 3: Now that the smoke has cleared, what opportunities do you see for your company in the new landscape? (Target: CEOs, Presidents)
Wrap-up: What is the one thing that you’re taking with you back to your company from Exhibitor this year? (Target: attendees)

• EDPA – Coverage of National Meeting

• Exhibitor’s education program – What attendees learned

• MOD10 coverage

• Jim Wurm press conference

• EDPA Las Vegas breakfast

• EDPA Foundation Charity Poker Tournament

• Reports from the show floor

• Recap: Lee Knight interview

• International News


And much more.

  • Superior Logistics

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