Experient fortifies sales team with new addition

Elizabeth LinnExperient, the source for integrated meeting and event solutions, has announced the addition of a new strategic sales executive (SSE). In this role, this new employee will act as strategic advisor for Experient’s new and existing corporate market clients.

Elizabeth Linn possesses 23 years of experience in meeting, event and travel services where she has most recently provided such services for the JW Marriott and Marriott Hotels and Resorts brand as the national director of accounts.

During this period, Linn has received awards such as the Marriott Chairman’s Circle and Marriott President’s Circle several times. Prior to her time with Marriott, Linn worked in marketing for Miami Air International and Crystal Palace Casino/Marriott, where she honed her transportation and event management skills for associations, corporate markets and government agencies.

“Linn comes to Experient with a broad base of sales experience within the groups and meeting arena,” said Rick Binford, CMP, Experient president, event management services. “We are excited to be working with her and look forward to her joining the team.”Experient welcomes Linn and embraces the experience, skills, and knowledge that she will contribute to the organization.”

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