With the closing of this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) from June 10-12 and teardown completed at the Los Angeles Convention Center, the managing partner of showNets will finally get a chance to relax this Father’s Day.
It’s been quite a wild, and exhausting, ride for David Bishop, a founder and the managing partner for showNets, the preferred Internet service provider for the annual computer and video game tradeshow.
Beyond the E3 show floor, Bishop worked tirelessly to make sure the gaming extravaganza went off without a hitch. This included overseeing a 38-strong workforce who designed, installed, tested and managed networks for all 200 exhibitors and meeting daily with the show management, other suppliers and the general contractor, Global Experience Specialists (GES).
Aside from the month in Los Angeles spent gearing up for the show, Bishop also ensured his company consulted at least six months in advance with gaming giants like Sony and Nintendo, both of which required intricate networks and efficient bandwidth to cater to the 48,900 excited gamers wandering in and out of large-scale exhibits to play the latest gaming favorites.

Bishop even found time to host an awards dinner for showNets technicians and support staff at a Los Angeles-area restaurant, in which his son Forest earned the Best of Show award – an honor bestowed by the showNets Director of Event Operations Brian Knerien. Every summer for the past six years, Forest has worked E3 as a contractor involved in network deployment. When not contracting for the show, he attends the University of Georgia.
“My dad started the company when I was 3 or 4, so I’ve been coming out, not regularly, to stay with him for the summer. One year, he asked if I wanted to help, and I did. The next year, I came back as a full-time contractor. It went from there,” Forest explained. “My favorite part about working with my dad is seeing him in a professional environment. He is pretty good when we’re in the convention center, separating himself from being dad and being a boss. He’s good at being a boss, and it’s cool to see him doing his own thing.”
For Bishop, this year’s E3 was about continuing to provide excellent Internet service and support to exhibitors on the expo floor, something showNets proved its ability to do for the past 15 years. Lucky for Bishop, his expert team included not only Forest and employees he regards as family, despite the lack of blood relation, but also his computer savvy oldest son Wayne, the chief technology officer at showNets.
“It’s always cool to work with your family. There are pros and cons to having to be around your family all the time. Then again, some people never see their family. Luckily, my dad and I have a good working relationship. We respect each other, respect each other’s space and respect each other’s responsibilities in the company. I think because of that, it allows us to work well together,” Wayne said.
During E3, Wayne, his father and other senior-level showNets executives made it a priority to monitor the performance of customized networks as well as ensure through surveillance footage that Internet infrastructure stayed secure.
Wayne in particular made sure showNets technicians understood technical requirements to effectively deliver them on behalf of customers. Although Wayne said his father has technical expertise, there are many times when Bishop values his son’s opinion.
“When he has any technical-related questions or ideas, he’ll come to me. The opposite is true in terms of anything non-technical related in regards to business views or things in regards to running the business,” Wayne explained.
While Wayne will spend Father’s Day traveling to his home in Atlanta to spend time with his wife and children, Forest is looking forward to enjoying Father’s Day with his dad.
“We will probably just relax and hang out on the beach — just kind of enjoy [the results of] a good show. It will be a nice, relaxing day,” Forest said.
Both of Bishop’s sons indicated they enjoyed their time at E3 with each other as well as working with their father. Even though they all won’t be together on Father’s Day, they’ll always have the non-stop action of the days leading up to the holiday.
See related article: “A Mother’s Day tale – showNets style.”