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Greetings to readers everywhere!

judy-kackleyI would like to thank all the wonderful people who sent flowers, cookies, cards, letters, love and prayers to me since my heart attack. I am truly blessed to have known and worked with such a caring group and to be alive and able to thank you all. Thanks to everyone involved in the Randy (RSMGC) for naming me a 2012 recipient.

I don’t remember much of the time I spent in the hospital or how I got there … a very special thank you to Jeff Adcox for that.

My family has shared the details, and I found out that beside the heart attack, my left lung collapsed and I had a stroke … My daughter reminds me that I told her that day, about an hour earlier that I just had heartburn. Who knew??

Now, I am still on a feeding tube and oxygen and have some issues with my memory, concentration and computers. But I continue to improve. Don has been keeping me updated and suggested I let you all know how I am progressing, so I enlisted my daughter to help me write this. Before all this happened … I would have never thought that I wouldn’t be able to do things that I took for granted, like drive, write a letter or use the computer, things that I had been doing for years without even thinking … but $#it happens. and it beats the alternative.

I still thank God every day that I am alive and that I have been fortunate enough to be involved in such a great industry! God bless you all! Hope to see you again someday on the show floor … or maybe at an ECN party!

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