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Holman builds in-store display for Samsung Electronics Canada

SamsungHolman, an exhibit design and fabrication company based out of Canada, has announced their business with Samsung Electronics Canada for in-store retail display marketing program for Future Shop and Best Buy stores.

Samsung Electronics Canada was looking for a company who could provide a unique and innovative concept to communicate their SMART messaging and clearly define them as superior within the retail environment with strong branding.
“Holman has been able to deliver on all the strategic objectives set forth by Samsung, helping our brand stand out at retail,” said Michelle Sordi, Samsung Canada’s senior Marcom manager. “They have proven to be a very valuable partner.”
Holman won the project by developing a leading edge solution that enriched the consumers’ experience by allowing them the opportunity to test the features of the Samsung products displayed and receive product information, all in a fun and interactive way.
Holman worked with Samsung Electronics Canada under very tight time deadlines. They created the display at Best Buy stores that featured a touchscreen device that simulated the Samsung Galaxy Tab.  Customers could actually launch different demonstration videos to highlight all of Samsung’s unique features, just like they would at home with their actual Galaxy Tabs.
No more static monitors, dated red buttons or complex media boxes.  The display showed consumers the best that Samsung had to offer and brought together all Samsung products within an in-store environment that was extremely relevant to the customer.
Samsung Electronics Canada was extremely pleased—not only with the project itself—but with the true partnership that Holman brought to the table.
The Holman team ensured that the displays were made to be extremely durable and easy to install.  All displays were sent to the retailers pre-assembled as drop and go units, making the installation at retail simple and cost effective. The displays were rolled out to 150 Future Shops and 78 Best Buy locations across Canada.

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