IAEE director of exhibitions to assume COO role at Child SHARE

After more than 12 years of service to the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE), the director of exhibitions has accepted the position of assistant executive director (COO) of Child S.H.A.R.E., a faith-based non-profit organization that finds foster and adoptive homes for abused, abandoned and neglected children by working through faith communities.

“It has been fulfilling to engage and work with each exhibitor during Expo! Expo! as well as the members who make this industry exceptional,” said Julie Anderson, the director of exhibitions for IAEE. “I sincerely appreciate the support and the opportunities that I have experienced over the years, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the IAEE team, who will make this transition seamless.”

Anderson has consistently grown the tradeshow at Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition, selling out the show floor each year that she has managed it. Her hard work and dedication have ensured a lively and beneficial experience for all meeting attendees who rely on the face-to-face event to see old friends and colleagues, make new business deals and understand new trends for the future of the exhibitions and events industry.

“Although it is with sadness that Julie is leaving IAEE, I know she will be such a tremendous asset to Child S.H.A.R.E. and the children she will serve,” said Steven Hacker, IAEE president, CAE, FASAE. “I wish her the best in her new role.”

Anderson’s last day will be March 16, and to complete the transition to accommodate members and exhibitors’ needs, IAEE is seeking candidates for the director of exhibitions, currently posted on www.exhibitionindustryjobs.com.

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