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IAEE names 2014 chair at Expo! Expo!

Passing the gavel to the incoming chair for 2014 was a highlight during this year’s International Association of Exhibitions and Events’ (IAEE) annual Expo! Expo! in Houston.

Jonathan "Skip" Cox
Jonathan “Skip” Cox

Jonathan “Skip” Cox, CEO, Exhibit Surveys Inc., will take the reins in 2014, succeeding current chair Jason McGraw.

The announcement was made during a show-sponsored networking business luncheon and awards ceremony.

Cox, an industry veteran who joined Exhibit Surveys in 1971 as an assistant survey director, led the New Jersey-based company to prominence as an industry leader over the years, becoming CEO in 2005.

“With IAEE members in more than 40 countries and growing, the focus on global development will also play a significant role in 2014,” said Cox.

A frequent speaker at various association meetings, Cox has been recognized with a number of awards from various associations over the years.


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