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IAEE's midyear meeting recharges attendees for 2012

IAEEThe International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) fully charged attendees with informative sessions and networking at its midyear meeting, held May 31 – June 1, 2012, in Washington, D.C.

With nearly 300 attendees, the meeting’s objectives included enhanced education opportunities and face-to-face interaction. Midyear meeting attendance increased 20 percent from 2011.

“This meeting is all about intimate engagement,” said Steven Hacker, president, IAEE. “As opposed to Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting and Exhibition, this meeting is smaller by design to allow attendees to really connect in a way that you simply cannot do among 2,000-plus attendees. It is a great building block not only in terms of networking but also for the education opportunities available.”

IAEE’s midyear meeting offered education sessions addressing the latest technology and social media, best practices, return on investment (ROI) strategies, marketing approaches and liability issues.

The meeting gave those pursuing their Certified in Exhibition Management (CEM) designation an opportunity to complete necessary courses as well as setting the perfect environment for the select members of the Krakoff Leadership Institute and Krakoff Advanced Leadership Institute. IAEE also held its Sales Academy certification program during the event.

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