IFES 2011-2012 president confirmed

bruno-meissnerThe International Federation of Exhibit and Event Services (IFES), the global platform for the exhibition industry with 117 members in 32 countries, will authenticate Bruno Meissner as the next president of the organization at the IFES Extraordinary General Assembly on September 25, 2010 in Gent, Belgium.

Meissner, taking over for Moreno Zaccarelli, is from Hamburg, Germany, and comes to IFES with 32 years of experience in professional exhibition, tradeshow and interior design, as well as the conception and realization of theme-orientated marketing performances.

“It is a great honor for me to have been elected president of IFES for the next two years,” said Meissner. “I am thrilled by the opportunities we now have as the international federation for exhibition and event services in a time when we are experiencing extraordinary growth in new markets like China, India, and South America. The growing demand for intercultural competence, especially in an industry like ours, is calling for global networking and knowledge sharing, the two core propositions of IFES.”

The election of Meissner represents the climax of a two year transition plan. IFES has formalized structural changes necessary to facilitate the implementation of several key initiatives.

Central to the new structure and to Meissner’s presidency will be the IFES membership. Now that individual companies are allowed to participate as full members alongside national associations, this combination will give IFES the best solution to retain the knowledge and network which has been developed for 25 years. It also opens IFES up to a broader international audience and encourages active participation from new members, wherever they may be located.

Meissner, who served as vice president for two years during the restructuring of the organization, is well equipped to see the final implementation stages through in 2011.

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