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India: the next economic giant

EP&M International positioned to support dramatic growth in tradeshow activity

With its rapid economic development, exploding middle class and huge opportunities for manufacturing and technological growth, India is quickly becoming a lead actor on the world stage. By 2030, India could replace China as the rising economic powerhouse, according to Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, a publication of the National Intelligence Council.

The statistics speak for themselves. While the U.S. economy has grown 13.5 times its size since 1970, India’s has skyrocketed almost 140 times. Although that pace is remarkable, the future in India looks even brighter with its rising middle class.

According to Global Trends, “Emerging market countries, with their faster growth rates and higher saving rates, will become the most important source of global finance, nearly doubling their share of the world’s financial assets during the next decade or so … India’s expected robust growth in the next 15 to 20 years means that its contribution to global growth will surpass that of any individual advanced economy except the United States.”

That’s why forward-looking exhibitors as well as U.S.-based exhibit houses are taking an increasingly serious look at participating in Indian tradeshows and turning to firms such as EP&M International to ease their entry into the country’s complex exhibition environment.


The majority of EP&M International’s revenue comes from overseas projects.

EP&M International produces award-winning tradeshow exhibits, events and corporate environments. With more than 22 years of international experience outside the U.S., covering 160 venues from Accra to Zaragoza, EP&M International offers a comprehensive range of services and brings together a skilled professional team that takes projects from concept through on-site installation. The company’s clientele is drawn from a wide range of small to large corporations, including such giants as GE.

“EP&M International has successfully produced a number of corporate exhibits in India over the years and we’ve built strong relationships there,” said Gene Lindman, president, EP&M International. “With the exhibition industry growing at a rate of nearly 20 percent a year, it seems the ideal time to expand our footprint there.”

A truly global supplier, EP&M International utilizes its expertise to efficiently build locally and worldwide, with a majority of its revenue coming from overseas projects. Last fall, the company launched EP&M India Private Ltd., a joint venture with Inter Centre Enterprises Ltd., a New Delhi-based marketing and production company.

The joint venture now combines EP&M’s expertise with local access and knowledge in India. EP&M India offers best-of-show quality and all the advantages of local fabrication savings through its main office in New Delhi, plus others in Chandigarh, Vadodara, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata and Chennai.


EP&M International has 22 years of experience working outside the U.S.

“As India becomes a bigger player in international commerce, we see an unparalleled opportunity to provide first-class service for companies looking to grow their presence at tradeshows, special events and permanent installations,” said Lindman. “Exhibitors in India are demanding an American and European level of project management, quality and customer service that is not easily obtained currently. We can provide that.”

Infrastructure and bureaucracy issues make working in India difficult, which is why the joint venture was key.

“We are expanding an already highly successful working relationship with people who are on the ground and have been doing this for years and years,” said Lindman. “In my view, now is the right time to bring these offerings to exhibiting companies.”

Seven years in the making, this is the first U.S.-India joint venture formed by two well-established companies in the exhibition industry.

“Our company is delivering the best in local resources and connections based in India combined with international-level project management and quality,” said Amitabh Awasthy, managing director of EP&M India. “India’s exhibition and tradeshow business is only in its infancy, but EP&M India is already offering top-level service this growing industry deserves.”

For more information about EP&M India, contact Gene Lindman at ( 518) 433-0043 or Amitabh Awasthy at +91 98-10-017961 or visit


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