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Industry Food Drive Set for Feb. 13

(Photo Credit: Leslie Mujica)

Tradeshow & Event Industry Helping Their Own

The government lockdowns have brought the tradeshow and event marketing industry to a near stand-still. While the entire industry has been hit hard, those in Las Vegas have been among the hardest hit. Las Vegas metro area has the highest unemployment rate for large metro areas in the U.S. according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Many tradeshow and event marketing professionals have been out of work since March 17 when Las Vegas was shut down by Gov. Sisolack.

Helping Our Industry

Since April, a group of industry veterans across all disciplines and segments of tradeshows and events have been convening to discuss how to restart tradeshows and events. Recently a number of people in this group wanted to find a way to help those in tradeshows and events who are experiencing difficult times.  At the very least let these folks know that they haven’t been forgotten.

Martha Donato“We’ve been working with people from every corner of the event sector and know that the suffering from lack of work is significant,” says Martha Donato (pictured left), founder and president of MAD Event Management LLC.

A food drive was suggested and has collected more than $5,000 in cash that will be used to purchase additional food to add to the contributions of canned goods and non-perishable food items. “During our regular industry update calls, we took up a collection and that was the start of this effort,” says Donato. “There’s so much more that needs to be done, but it only takes a spark to get a fire going. We’re hoping to bring awareness and action to the thousands who are unemployed in the event industry.“

The food drive will be for tradeshow and event marketing industry people by tradeshow and event marketing industry people.

Jen LaBruzza Classic Exhibits EDPA“The COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to food security for many in our industry,” says EDPA Las Vegas Chapter President Jen LaBruzza (pictured right). “Our chapter is well versed in the importance of food security with our annual food drive and we are EXTREMELY grateful for the opportunity to partner with other generous people in the live events industry to help our industry family here in Las Vegas. It’s about being able to show some love for those in our industry and say, ‘We haven’t forgotten about you.’ ”

If You Need Help:

The Las Vegas Live Events Industry Food Drive will be held Saturday, February 13, from 8:00–noon in Las Vegas (location disclosed when confidential registration is made).

For those in need, to confidentially reserve your spot in the curbside pick-up register at When picking up the food box, be prepared to show your ESCA or union badge or industry business card. After registration, the pick-up location will be provided.

If You Would Like to Help:

“If you would like to assist us in helping those in need in our industry you can help via a number of ways,” says Donato.  Donate money to help purchase additional food items at   (*EDPA Las Vegas is a 501(c)3 making donations eligible for a charitable deduction) or if you are in the Las Vegas area you can help pack the food boxes on Friday, February 12.  If you can help, email Martha at

The food drive is grateful to the following sponsors/supporters:

EDPA Food Drive Sponsors

The Experiential Designers and Producers Association, founded in 1954, is an internationally recognized national trade association with more than 300 corporate members from 18 countries that are engaged in the design, manufacture, transport, installation and service of displays and exhibits primarily for the exhibition and event industry. The EDPA Las Vegas chapter was formed in the early 1990s and holds regular meetings including a charity golf tournament in conjunction with EDPA Foundation in June. For more info, visit



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