Exhibit houses can now purchase tradeshow furniture for their in-house rental programs from The Inside Track, a carpet and flooring provider.
This new offering increases exhibit house profit and delivers the peace of mind that comes from working with a proven, experienced tradeshow industry supplier.
Dave Sterne, president of The Inside Track, estimates that exhibit houses can make an average of 15 percent profit the first time a component is rented, and 80 percent profit for each subsequent rental.
“We’ve designed this program with the exhibit houses’ needs in mind,” said Sterne.
Furniture purchased from The Inside Track arrives fully assembled, inspected and ready to rent. Shipments can be crated, skidded or pad wrapped, and can be delivered to the exhibit house, advance warehouse or direct to show site.
One tool that makes the program easy to implement is an unbranded website – www.tsefurniture.com – that exhibit houses can share with their customers to help with furniture selection. The furniture website includes 3D Studio, DWG and DXF files, which designers can use to import furniture images into their renderings. No prices are listed on the website—which means exhibitors can only obtain pricing through the exhibit house that directed them to the unbranded website.
Exhibit house representatives can request a wholesale catalog by contacting Dave Sterne at 404.876.5900, or via email: dave@theinsidetrackinc.com.