InterEx adds professional management during restructure

InterEx, a designer and producer of custom exhibits, retail interiors and museum displays, has three additions to its professional management.

Having been in the industry for over 19 years, significant steps to restructure and grow are being made for the Amesbury, Mass., firm, according to Tyler Olbres, founder and Chairman of the Board, InterEx Inc.

ecn_072013_interex-logo“We’ve been a family business,” said Olbres. “Now we’re adding a level of professional management and strategic thinking to what we do. InterEx is still a family business, but we see that it’s time to make some changes that will help us better serve our clients and compete in the marketplace.”

New executive and sales positions as well as a reorganization within company operations have been announced. Keith D’Entremont joins from the client side as president, and Martin Paquette moves up to general manager from within the organization. David Stelly, based out of the Las Vegas office, joins the sales team as national account executive. New salesmen will soon be located in San Francisco as well as a Chicago office slated to open in early August.

“It’s probably been coming for a while, but we see this as the right time to make some important changes,” said InterEx founder Olbres. “We’re growing from a small exhibit house with big clients to a preferred exhibit house of choice.”

“It’s simply time for an upgrade in several areas, and clients will benefit from improvements in communication, use of technology, efficiency and value,” said incoming president, D’Entremont. “We’re not changing what we do, we’re getting better at it.”


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