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International exhibit design trends, marketing examined during WMF 2013

Learning about how exhibit designs might vary in scope and effectiveness was a key part of the World Meeting Forum (WMF) 2013 recently held in Cancun, Mexico.

Speaking on behalf of the International Federation of Exposition Services (IFES), the organization’s past president, Larry Kulchawik, was asked to address exhibit design trends in the world market. The presentation pointed to growth trends within the seven regions of the world and focused on differences in doing tradeshow marketing from one country or region in the world to another.

“The conclusion – there is no right way; there is no wrong way – only a different way. Respecting and understanding the different ways when exhibiting will help to open doors of opportunity more quickly. This is also what IFES is all about,” said Kulchawik. “Joining industry associations that share their knowledge and people will help you greatly to close the gap in the learning curve of differences within the seven regions of the world.”

The WMF had a strong Spanish flavor, but all presentations were in English. During the IFES workshop session, Kulchawik addressed tradeshow marketing in each of the world regions. He also asked fellow IFES members Irene Albarran from Mexico and Alejandro Blitstein from Argentina to present on their regions and differences.

“As an IFES and EDPA board member, I found it most interesting to sit in on presentations that focused on the other industry segments that I knew the least about,” said Kulchawik. “There are many pieces in the puzzle that work together to create success for continued growth in face-to-face marketing.”

The WMF conducted its annual meeting this year in Cancun at the Aventura Palace Hotel on June 14-16. In the meetings and convention industry, there are many associations that make up the many segments within the exposition industry. The purpose of the WMF is to allow the various associations in the MICE industry to meet individually and then as a group to discuss and analyze global trends in the meetings and convention industry.

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