Kimberly Hardcastle Wins WPA Hall of Fame Award

World Pet Association (WPA), the organizer of SuperZoo, which took place in Las Vegas August 17 – 19, named Kimberly Hardcastle the winner of the WPA Hall of Fame Award. This award recognizes the work she and her team put into developing the SuperZoo name and logo rebrand.

Hardcastle is the president and chief marketing strategist of MDG, which has handled marketing and public relations efforts for SuperZoo for “the better part of the last two decades,” according to WPA officials, who have experienced a tripling of SuperZoo attendance during her tenure. WPA officials say that Hardcastle has been a “consistent WPA ally even in years that [MDG wasn’t] hired on our campaigns, being a constant support of tradeshow knowledge expertise and offering support to our board and staff under three WPA presidents.”

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