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Leaders in sustainability presenting at GMIC

Co-presenting a session at the Green Meeting Industry Council (GMIC) 2014 annual conference are two well-known leaders in sustainability.Known for their sustainable initiatives are Tom Bowman, chair of the Exhibit Designers and Producers Association Sustainable Exhibit Leadership Committee and author of The Green Edge, and Jeff Chase, vice president of sustainability at Freeman.

They are presenting “Taking Practical Steps and Making Good Choices,” which applies the best green practices from exhibit and event design to the daily choices of meeting professionals.

When translated into practical actions, Bowman said corporate-wide green goals often break down.

“My focus is providing middle-managers with the tools and resources that make implementation of green goals possible. The added benefit is that sustainable choices are often money-saving choices as well,” added Bowman.

The  GMIC 2014 Sustainable Meetings Conference will be held in San Francisco from Apr.15-17.

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