I’ll keep my introduction short, as my space is limited this month due to some of the obituaries whose names and/or photos grace the same page.
With over 30 years in the industry, it is not surprising that I know most of the industry people of whom we report of their passing.
Join in and give thanks to them. Without each of them and their contributions to our industry, there would be no baton to hand off to us.
Where will face-to-face marketing be in 10 years? 20? 50?
As we gaze into their faces on this page and read the too-short synopsis of their contributions and careers, now is a time for reflection on how we are handling the baton. As much of our ranks continue to age, what will we pass on to the next generation? What will our legacy be? What happened on our watch?
As we go to press, we received the sad news that Norman Glicksberg has passed. Memorial services were held in
As Todd and Bonnie Iverson of