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Marica Motta from AIM Group International Appointed to Executive Board of Federcongressi&Eventi

Marica_MottaThe famous Garda Lake was the beautiful backdrop for the Federcongressi&Eventi X Convention, held in late March. Federcongressi&Eventi is the Association of the Italian Meeting Industry Professionals. Since networking as a main competitive tool was a key element to this convention the title of the meeting was “Let’s Net” and it was an invitation to be concrete and competitive while learning to collaborate and be open to discussion. It is through a productive and cooperative connection between Italian meeting industry professionals that we can create the most effective and memorable meetings!

On this occasion, a new Executive Board was elected and a new President was appointed. Marica Motta, sales operations coordinator of AIM Group International, was appointed a board member and will serve a two years term. Motta joins the Board as an active member representing AIM Group as a leader PCO within the National Meeting Industry. She was very excited when she was called on stage to greet the audience for the first time as a member of the Board, saying, “I am very proud to stand here and be part of this new Executive Board for the next two years. I’m thrilled to start working hard and sharing our international and long-term expertise for the growth of Federcongressi and its members.”

The Board will be led by Alessandra Albarelli, congress manager of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, as the new president. The incoming Board will follow the path of the former President, Mario Buscema, in strengthening the presence of the economical-industrial sector of the meeting industry in front of the national institutions, while developing an organic educational project for all members’ categories: Destinations & Locations, DMC & Incentives, Organization of Congresses, Events & CME Providers and Services & Consultancy.

Here is to recognizing Motta for her outstanding service to the industry.

AIM Group International: Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Florence, Hamburg, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan, Munich, New York, Paris, Philadelphia, Prague, Rome, Sofia, Vienna – AIM Group International has worked in the meeting and event management industry for more than 50 years, committed to helping clients reach their goals, to personalizing their event experiences, to providing an innovative environment and to making a difference – Professional Congress Organiser – Association Management – Communication – Destination Management – Events – Education. Visit

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