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Nat’l Hardware Show Recommendation Program Matches Attendees, Exhibitors, Las Vegas May 9-11

NHS-2016If you’re a home improvement retailer with your eye on a few particular products at the National Hardware Show, be sure to take advantage of the Show’s exhibitor recommendation program.

There are more than 2,500 exhibitors who will be at the Show, Tuesday, May 9, through Thursday, May 11, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. That means thousands of new products to explore. The National Hardware Show knows many attendees are looking for particular products within targeted product categories, and it has made it easier for retailers to uncover those products, thanks to its recommendation program.

“We started providing exhibitor recommendations last year as a way to help attendees narrow down the exhibitor field so they could focus on their main product categories of focus as well as give exhibitors the opportunity to attract retailers looking for their specific products and services,” says Rich Russo, vice president of the National Hardware Show. “The program was so successful that we’re not only implementing it again this year, we’re making it even better.”

So how does it work? When attendees register for the Show, they are asked to provide information about the product categories they are most interested in shopping at this year’s show. Then they’ll receive a personalized list of suggested exhibitors they should make sure to check out.

New for 2017—Independent retailers will be matched with exhibitors who have marked in their profile that they are ready to sell to Independents at the show, offering another way for Independent Retailers to make the most out of their trip to Las Vegas.

Exhibitors, too, are asked to provide more information when they update their online & printed directory listing to help guide interested attendees to their booths. If you didn’t fill out this information when you registered, it’s not too late! All attendees can take advantage of the Match Me exhibitor recommendation program during the show as well. Match Me booths will be set up in in both the North & Central Halls, providing a convenient way for attendees to get personalized exhibitor recommendations regardless of where they are on the show floor. The Match Me booths will be fully staffed with National Hardware Show staff to help guide retailers to exhibitors offering products and services that best meet their needs.

Attendees can also use the NHS Mobile app, which is free and available for download for all Apple and Android devices, or the My Show online planning tool (which syncs with the mobile app so any planning you do before the show can be taken with you on your smartphone), to find exhibitors and plan their time at the Show. New for 2017—the mobile app will now feature “Ask Me”, a live chat feature to text questions to the National Hardware Show team for a quick response to help get you to your next destination, find out information about the show and more.

All exhibitors should make sure their product categories are up to date, and any exhibitors who sell to independent retailers should be sure to make that note in their Exhibitor Dashboard. Ensuring all information is up to date will allow both exhibitors and attendees to make the most of the recommendations program.

Registration is for the show is complimentary until Monday, May 8. After May 8, there will be a $125 onsite registration fee.

The National Hardware Show celebrates a rich history spanning 72 years of serving the home improvement marketplace. From its early beginnings in New York during the post-World War II housing boom and eventual move to Chicago in the 1970s, to today’s current location in Las Vegas, the National Hardware Show continually evolves through the industry’s involvement, commitment and passion to improving America’s quality of life through their homes. Today, the National Hardware Show is the place for global manufacturers, associations, organizations and the media to unveil their new products, ideas and insight to a broad spectrum of home improvement resellers. For more information on the National Hardware Show, visit

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