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New NuernbergMesse mobile application helps tradeshow attendees

With its mobile web pages, NuernbergMesse has reacted to the increased demand for the Internet using smartphones and other mobile devices. Information about visits to NuernbergMesse tradeshows can be accessed on-the-go when entering the Internet address or a number of event websites while using a mobile device.

“The NuernbergMesse allows the exhibitor and visitor to prepare their visit to the trade fair in a much more comfortable way,” said Roland Fleck, managing director, NuernbergMesse. About 20 tradeshow websites should be available by the end of the year, and 17 are up and running.

By mid 2013, the number of mobile devices with which you can access the Internet will be more than the number of stationary PCs according to Gartner, a global analyst in the IT world. And the new mobile application means tradeshow attendees at events run by NuernbergMesse can have critical information at their fingertips.

“Exhibitors and visitors should be able to access important information at any time during their trip to Nuremberg,” said Petra Weinzierl, head of the new media team at NuernbergMesse.

Events for which mobile information is available through the new mobile application are BioFach, Brau Beviale, Chillventa, embedded world, FachPack, fensterbau/frontale, FeuerTRUTZ, GaLaBau, HOLZ-HANDWERK, Interzoo, it-sa, IWA & OutdoorClassics, mailingtage, POWTECH, TechnoPharm and Vivaness as well as the mobile news portal  “oneco“ (BioFach) and the corporate website of NuernbergMesse.

  • Superior Logistics

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