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Nimlok updates website’s look and functionality

Nimlok, a custom and custom modular division of Orbus Exhibit & Display Group, unveiled its redesigned website this month. Featuring a new look and feel, the interface was made more user-friendly with a variety of resources including added custom and portable exhibit portfolios.

ECN 032014_NTL_Nimlok redesigned website, mobile appsLaunched Mar. 1, the website’s design incorporates a modernized appearance as well as a responsive ease of use on all mobile devices.

Portable product and modular exhibit design portfolios make browsing easier with enhanced search filters and viewing options. Users are able to save, “star” and share favorite products and exhibit designs through a personalized inspiration gallery that can be sent to others via a uniquely generated URL.

“The project was one that kept the user experience at the forefront with a focus on mobile browsing and industry search trends,” said Amy Benes, marketing supervisor, Nimlok. “Nimlok is a creative and forward-thinking brand and the website is a true reflection of our strategy.”

The new continues to house an extensive collection of continually updated resources including design portfolios of over 600 images, case studies, product and design videos, and its blog covering tradeshow tips and trends.

To see the website, visit

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