Not only selling Oklahoma City as a visitor and meetings destination, the Oklahoma Convention and Visitors Bureau (OKC CVB) has also stepped up promotion of itself.

Doing this required the CVB to ditch the logo it had used since 2007 and to create a new tagline and social media hash tag.
The rebranded logo now features the city’s famous SkyDance Bridge, a 380 foot-long pedestrian bridge and 197- foot-tall sculpture. The bridge was recreated in the OKC logo to represent the letter “K.”
The CVB’s new tagline plays on the city’s name “OKC-ing is Believing,” so does the new social media hash tag — “See OKC.”
Visit OKC immediately posted to social media its modern new logo and hash tag following its announcement in the 50-story Devon Energy Center in downtown Oklahoma City.
With the puns very much intended, OKC CVB erased the last vestiges of its former marketing campaign “Cool and Warm.” OKC CVB now hopes to use its new campaign to target nearby markets in Texas.