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PCMA announces proposed slate of 2012 officers and directors

The Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) Nominating Committee, chaired by Kati Quigley, past chairman of the board, met on August 25 in Chicago, Ill., and reviewed a large number of nominee applications for their 2012 board officers and directors. After much deliberation, the committee has recommended candidates for all leadership positions on the 2012 PCMA Board of Directors.

According to the PCMA Bylaws, the official announcement of the proposed slate is to be sent to the membership by October 1. The nominating process, according to the bylaws, allows for additional nominations for any officer or director position by members who submit a petition.
The petition is required to be signed by 5 percent of the members from the respective membership category appropriate to the position, and submitted to the president and CEO no later than the close of business on November 1. Anyone interested in submitting a petition can contact Deborah Sexton, president and CEO of the PCMA, at (312) 423-7262 or via email at for details and procedures.
If no additional nominations are made from the membership, the following officers and directors will be deemed elected and will take office immediately following the 56th PCMA annual meeting, Convening Leaders in San Diego on January 11, 2012.
The 2012 proposed slate of new officers and directors:
Johnnie C. White, CMP, executive director, Meetings and Educational Services, Cardiovascular Research Foundation (Term: 2012)
Christopher J. Wehking, CMP, director, Meetings and Exhibits, American Society of Anesthesiologists (Term: 2012)
Professional Directors:
Wanda M. Johnson, CMP, CAE, senior director, Meetings and Education, The Endocrine Society (Term: 2012 – 2014)
Roberta A. Kravitz, executive director, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Term: 2012 – 2014)
Amanda S. Rushing, CMP, director, Conferences and Meeting Services, American Society of Civil Engineers (Term: 2012 – 2014)
Supplier Partner Directors:
Gregory A. O’Dell, president and CEO, Washington Convention and Sports Authority  (Term: 2012 – 2014)
Barry L. Smith, president and CEO, Metro Toronto Convention Centre (Term: 2012 – 2014)
The following individuals will continue to serve on the Board, but in new positions:
Chairman of the Board:
Kent E. Allaway, CEM, CMP, vice president, Meetings and Trade Shows, Produce Marketing Association (Term: 2012)
Immediate Past Chairman of the Board:
Susan R. Katz, director,Corporate Events and Travel, True Value Company (Term: 2012)
The following individuals will continue to serve in their existing Board positions:
Professional Directors:
Willie L. Benjamin, II, senior meeting manager, International Reading Association (Term: 2010 – 2012)
Laurie Fitzgerald, CMP, senior meeting manager, Allstate Insurance Company (Term: 2011 – 2013)
Mary Pat Heftman, executive vice president, Conventions, National Restaurant Association (Term: 2011 – 2012)
Christine M. Klein, CMP, meetings industry and business development consultant (Term: 2011 – 2013)
Raymond J. Kopcinski, Sr., CMP, director, Meeting Services, Million Dollar Round Table (Term: 2011 – 2013)
William F. Reed, CMP, senior vice president, Experient Inc. (Term: 2011 – 2013)
Supplier Partner Directors:
Carrie Freeman Parsons, vice chair, Freeman (Term: 2010-2012)
Ben Goedegebuure, director, Sales, Scottish Exhibition + Conference Centre (Term: 2011 – 2013)
Richard B. Green, FASAE, CASE®, vice president, Association Sales and Industry Relations, Marriott International (Term: 2010-2012)
James E. Rooney, executive director, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (Term: 2011 – 2013)

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