Renaissance Management’s travel & IT manager passes away

Renaissance Management, a provider of labor management services, announced that one of its employees passed away.

ECN 082015_OBIT_Renaissance Management_Dino FiorentinoDino Fiorentino, 60, passed away suddenly on March 26. Fiorentino was born in Pittsburgh and had been a resident of Naples, Fla. for the last 10 years.

He was employed by Renaissance Management as a travel & IT manager. Fiorentino enjoyed golfing, reading and cooking. He will be missed by many.

Husband of the late Nancy Fiorentino, he is survived by daughter, Alicia Sperry, and her husband, Sean; two grandchildren, Natalie and Jaxon, his parents, Gina and Antonio Fiorentino; a brother, Perry Fiorentino, and his wife, Donna, as well as several cousins, nieces, nephews and many dear friends.

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