Richard Erschik Launches TSEMA & is Named ECN’s Regional VP Sales in Florida

Florida-based Richard Erschik has been named regional vice president of sales of Las Vegas-based Exhibit City News magazine. Erschik’s initiative will include the introduction of advertorial presentations and promotion to Orlando area companies, as well as other convention cities throughout Florida, looking to grow their business. In addition to representing ECN in Florida, Erschik has also established the Trade Show Exhibit Manager Academy, an online community for progressive company tradeshow exhibit managers who want to continue their education, reference information, talk to experts, and enjoy peer-to-peer networking and discussion.

Erschik, a Chicago native, is well known in the tradeshow industry as a featured speaker and tradeshow exhibitor trainer who’s delivered more than 350 educational and training seminars, webinars and workshops to 25,000+ trade show and exhibit managers. “Advertorial presentation and promotion is a new concept in print advertising” says Erschik. “I’m anxious to introduce it to the tradeshow industry.”

Don Svehla, publisher and owner of ECN, says, “We are glad to have Richard on our team in Florida representing our magazine. We look forward to helping Florida-based tradeshow companies and suppliers grow their business and give them national exposure.”

Membership in the TSEMA includes many other popular benefits including a private networking forum where members can engage in discussions, ask questions, share experiences, post photos, provide solutions to problems and receive advice from carefully selected participating industry experts. Members also have access to a salary review tool, a recommended suppliers list, and the Founder’s Blog that contains relevant tradeshow and exhibiting information.

“I basically structured the TSEMA around the questions exhibitors ask me after my education and training sessions,” Erschik explains. “It gives them easy access to a centralized resource for curated information that I wish I had when I was an exhibit manager. One recent member stated, I’ve been looking for this type of organization for a long time.”

Generally marketed and delivered through tradeshow organizers to their exhibitors, Erschik’s MasterClass exhibitor training webinar, “Get the MOST from PRE-DURING-POST tradeshow exhibiting” has been evaluated as “the best exhibitor education and training on the planet” by attendees. Individual exhibitors can now attend that same webinar and others for free inside the Academy.

The TSEMA is currently accepting all-inclusive memberships priced at $149/year. “That’s less than the cost of a cup of Starbucks coffee, per week, says Erschik. Previous webinar attendees can save $50 off the first year by entering the word SPECIAL as the promotional code when joining.

The Trade Show Exhibit Manager Academy is a centralized online resource for Trade Show and Exhibit Management professionals developed by Richard Erschik from his more than 30 years of experience and success in the industry. For more info, visit

Exhibit City News magazine is a bi-monthly, nationally-circulated publication that serves the tradeshow industry with a readership of 38,000 made up of tradeshow organizers, exhibitors and suppliers. The privately-owned magazine has been a staple in the industry for 24 years and stories from the magazine also appear on their website,, in their weekly newsblast emails, throughout their social media accounts (including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) and in their digital flipbook at

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