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Survey says: Amway India loves Melbourne

A recent survey of Amway India Leadership Seminar 2012 delegates conducted by the Melbourne (Australia) Convention Bureau (MCB) has asserted Melbourne’s status as a premier incentive-travel destination with 91 percent of respondents expressing satisfaction with the conference facilities and more than 95 percent feeling welcome and safe in the city.

In December 2012, nearly 4,000 delegates descended on Melbourne for the Amway India Leadership Seminar – the largest Indian incentive group ever hosted in Australia.


An overwhelming majority of Amway India seminar attendees said they would recommend Melbourne to others.

“The results of the Amway India Leadership Seminar survey provides solid evidence of the flow on effects business events have on the wider community, such as local businesses,” said Karen Bolinger, CEO, MCB. “With delegates speaking highly of Melbourne’s infrastructure, accommodation, transport and convention facilities, thanks to this event, Melbourne now has thousands of advocates promoting the city across India.”

Amway is a global leader in direct selling with over three million independent business owners (IBOs) in over 80 countries. The Seminar was an incentive for successful Indian IBOs who were rewarded with a seven-day itinerary to Victoria, which included a business session at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, a visit to Sovereign Hill, exclusive access to Phillip Island Nature Parks and a gala dinner at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Of the 3,891 delegates who attended the seminar, more than 2,200 were asked to fill in a survey on their experience in Victoria with a 47 percent response rate.

The survey results also revealed the substantial impact the seminar had on the local economy: 85 percent of respondents stated they went shopping while 60 percent dined out at restaurants. On average, each respondent spent $941 on activities, such as retail, dining and attractions.

The event also bodes well for the state’s tourism industry with 95 percent of delegates stating they would recommend Melbourne as a place to visit to their family and colleagues, and 79 percent saying they would return for a holiday. The survey results present a strong case for the value of business events to tourism and the economy and validate Amway India’s decision to bring the Seminar to Melbourne.

“Amway India chose Melbourne to host its Seminar due to its ability to accommodate all its top achievers at one time – a feat never achieved before by the organization,” said Bolinger. “Melbourne’s leading business-events suppliers worked extremely well together and really stepped up to the mark during the seminar, allowing each delegate to have a truly unique program.

“On behalf of Melbourne I would like to thank Tourism Australia for giving us the opportunity to host Dreamtime, and we look forward to working with them to make this event a resounding success.”

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