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The Don & Mike Show is Back on the Road

Plus ECN Office Renovations Include State-of-the-Art Studio

by Mike Morrison

As we drive the industry vehicle into the end of 2021, the road is full of seemingly smooth paths while, at the same time, the road appears to be rocky, bumpy and extremely challenging. In other words, not much different than 2020! But good things can be highlighted for the end of 2021 from a ECN office renovationtradeshow and event industry perspective. First, the revamping and remodeling of the Exhibit City News offices in Las Vegas to include a state-of-the-art recording studio for videos and podcast recording. ECN is grateful to all their renovation partners, including Clementine Design, Brumark, Circle, CORT, Display Supply & Lighting, Edlen, SEG Warehouse/Design To Print, Willwork and Exposures. We look forward to doing our post-EXHIBITORLIVE show recording in the new ECN studio.

For the fifth year in a row, The Don and Mike Show conducted several interviews with industry and event professionals at Don & Mike Show at 2021 Randythe 27th Annual Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic in Atlanta on Sept. 27 (pictured left with Mike Boone). Also, Don and I will be alive and well for the ExhibitorLive show coming up on Nov. 1-2 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Afterward, the show will make its way to Hollywood, Fla., for the annual EDPA ACCESS meeting.

So, as The Don and Mike Show enters 2022, we are all hoping the predictions are solid for a huge return for shows and events. A return to normal is not only needed, but truly required for our world to get back on the road to recovery … a road less rocky and bumpy and more like a smooth, newly paved asphalt surface that makes our industry truly recoverable and has no physical and mental impacts on our worlds!

Mike Morrison is the national sales director for WS Displays as well as co-host and producer of “The Don & Mike Show” podcast, Contact him at or For more info, visit

The Don & Mike Show can be heard on Fridays at;; Facebook (; LinkedIn (; Twitter ( and most all podcast platforms including iTunes, Google, Spotify and more.

This story originally appeared in the Nov./Dec. 2021 issue of Exhibit City News, p. 22. For original layout, visit

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