Jaynie Ellison
So you are looking for a new job. Whether it is by your own choice or it is what circumstances have dictated, searching for new experiences is now the focus of your journey.
You set out full of optimism and gusto. Unfortunately, as time has passed, your optimism has faded. Your quest for the ideal position has become stagnate. It is at this precise moment in time that persistence and optimism are crucial to your success. Success is all about relentless intentionality. It is time to breathe new life into your job pursuit.
The first step is organization. To succeed, you have to prepare. If you are not currently employed, your job search should be your full-time job. Dedicate your entire day to looking for work. Create a schedule and follow it. A schedule can turn a chaotic search into an organized project. Scheduled activities should include researching companies, looking for job openings, attending networking events, writing cover letters, sending out resumes and following up. Streamline your efforts to use your time more efficiently. For example, spend one day researching openings and write your detailed company specific cover letters the next day.
Reinvigorate your search by using the latest technology to find job leads. Many companies use social networking sites to recruit employees. Professional recruiters target sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to find candidates. You have to market yourself or employers and recruiters will never see you in the crowd. You are unique. Market yourself that way.
Create a professional resume to use online and offline. Refresh your search with a Video Resume. Video Resumes are the next generation of online resumes. Purchase business cards. (You can get 250 free from www.vistaprint.com). Include your websume URL, contact phone number, and email. Also, use a catchy tag line. Pass cards out at networking events. These steps take time and creativity, but they will get you in front of more employers which improve your chances of finding your next job. Don’t be underestimated. Show them what you are worth.
After applying for opportunities, always follow up. Set yourself apart from competitors. It can make all the difference when you follow up with a recruiter or hiring manager after submitting your resume. After an interview, send a thank you note or email within 24 hours.It makes a difference when an employer is narrowing the field between candidates who are equally qualified.
Experts agree that you should use the internet as part of your job search. However, it should not be your only strategy. Always use other methods in conjunction with your online efforts. The internet is a great tool, but make sure it isn’t your only method.
Staying connected to your field is essential. One of the worst things that can happen while you are unemployed is losing touch with your industry. If your knowledge and skills become stagnate, it is harder for you to succeed in an interview. What can you do to combat this stagnation? Stay abreast of industry news and trends through industry publications, websites, blogs, and networking events. Attend industry trade and social events. The internet cannot replace face-to-face networking. Pass out your business cards at these events. It demonstrates your commitment to the industry, your level of professionalism, and that you are resourceful.
Although it can be difficult to remain positive when constantly hearing “no” from recruiters and hiring managers, it is important that you do. Learn from each experience. Make note of what you can do differently at your next interview. If you are rejected, the job or company probably wasn’t what you perceived it to be. You aren’t looking for a quick fit. It needs to be the right fit or it won’t last.
Attitude is everything. Employers are looking for positive energetic candidates who are well-qualified. It is imperative that you remain hopeful and upbeat. If you bring negative energy from failed interviews to new interviews and situations, it can hinder your chances of success.A positive outlook and energy can set you apart from the rest of the pack.
In a market where job hunters often face fierce competition, it can be challenging to stay on track without becoming discouraged. Take each day as it comes, and don’t get overwhelmed. Determination is the key. Be passionate and persistent. Use all resources at your disposal and your efforts will pay off in the end.
Jaynie Ellison is the Director of Recruitment Services at ExhibitRecruiter, Inc. Established in 1998, ExhibitRecruiter has been the premier recruitment agency specializing in the exhibit and event industry for over a decade. ExhibitRecruiter has partnered with companies of all sizes throughout the United States and Canada that specialize in exhibits, museums, environments and events. ExhibitRecruiter focuses exclusively in the experiential marketing sector. Her complete bio is on LinkedIn at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jaynieellison She can also be reached at jaynie@ExhibitRecruiter.com Her direct line is 1-800-491-5434. For more information, go to www.ExhibitRecruiter.com.
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